Text Summary Information

After you have sent a bulk text through DonorDock, you may view a summary of the sent text message, view an activity report on the text, and all associated activities. A preview of the text message that was sent will also appear on the right.

View the Summary Details Page
  1. Navigate to the Bulk Text page (Outreach> Texting > Bulk Texts)

  2. Click the Sent tab

  3. Select an text subject to view the summary of the text

Summary Card

The left of the details page will show the summary card of information, including:

  • Sent On: Date and time the text was initiated

  • Sent To: Who the text was sent to

  • Sent From: Team Member the text was sent from

  • Subject: Subject line of the text sent

  • Campaign: Campaign (if any) the text was tracked to

  • Appeal: Appeal (if any) the text was tracked to

Statistics Card

Beneath the summary card will be the statistics of how many texts were sent and how many were confirmed as delivered.

The link to View Group Text Message Report, will open an activity report for all text messages in the bulk send.

Text Activities

Scrolling to the bottom of the Text summary page, you'll find a list of text activities. Clicking on the subject of any text activity will take you to the details page for that specific activity.

To quickly switch your view between All text activities or only delivered texts, you may use the filter icon on the right of the activities section.