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DonorDock and Online Giving Fees

Online donations are essential for nonprofits in today's world.

When a donor makes a donation through a DonorDock Giving Page, normal credit card processing fees apply.

Credit Card Processing Fees occur when the payment processor (such as stripe), takes a fee out of the donation and credits your account with the net amount for the transaction. Processing fees are not related to DonorDock and are an unavoidable part of processing any type of online financial transaction.

With Online Giving Pages in DonorDock, Donors will have the option to check if they would like to cover the processing fee for their transaction (the amount offered for the donor to pay is based off the Fee settings under your Online Giving Global Configuration Settings).

Unlike other online giving providers on the market, we do not charge mandatory platform fees for online donations.

DonorDock Online Giving transactions are funded through one of two options: DonorDock TipBack or Donor Funded Processing Fees

DonorDock TipBack is a completely optional program that offers your donors the opportunity to extend their generosity by providing a contribution to DonorDock when completing an online donation.

With this feature enabled, when a donor chooses to give a small contribution to DonorDock, we will reimburse you for your Stripe processing fees* (up to the amount of the contribution). This is money we took out of the generous contributions donors gave to DonorDock and give back to you to cover the non-optional Stripe fees you are charged by stripe.

Even if the donor selects to cover your processing fees, we will STILL reimburse you out of any contribution they provide to DonorDock, helping to ensure you are receiving more from that donation.

Donor Funded Platform Fees are an alternative funding option we provide for if you do not wish to use the TipBack option. If the option for Donor-Funded Platform Fees is set, then Tips will not be offered to your Donors. Instead, when the donors elect to cover fees on the donation, the amount paid will be a flat 5% and $.30, to cover your processing fees and to support DonorDock. If the donor does not cover the fees on the transaction, your organization will only be charged the regular processing fees from Stripe, and no processing fee from DonorDock will be charged.

As a comparison, here are just a few of our competitors and the transaction fees they charge the charity, on top of the Stripe processing fees, for each donation. Unlike other online giving providers on the market, we do not charge mandatory platform fees for online donations. instead providing the option of selecting either TipBack or DonorFunded Platform Fees as the funding option. 


Processing Fee Range


2.9% + $0.30


2% - 3.5%


2.9% + $0.30


3.95% - 4.95% + $0.30


2.9% +$0.30


2% - 4.25%

🙋‍♂️ What do I need to do to receive the reimbursement of the processing fees with TipBack? 🙋‍♀️

Nothing at all! You will see a separate transaction in Stripe from DonorDock covering the processing fees after a donation of a gift that included a DonorDock contribution. Most of the time this transaction will be immediate, but depending on the payment method used and settlement time, it could take up to 5-7 business days to be transferred.

* Up to Stripe's standard nonprofit processing fee rates of 2.2% + $.30 of the total transaction. Not getting Stripe's nonprofit rates? Learn more here