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Filter Equations in Automations

The Equation is the rule or method by which the filter is run. The options available to calculate the Equation will vary based on the type of data set for the Property.

Available Filter Equations


The value being compared is exactly the same as the specified value.

Does Not Equal

The value being compared is different from the specified value.


The property has a value, regardless of its content.

Does Not Exist

The property does not have any value.

Starts With

The property's value begins with the specified characters or sequence.

Ends With

The property's value ends with the specified characters or sequence.


The property's value contains the specified characters anywhere within it.

Is within

The property's value falls within a specified range or set of values.

Is not within

The property's value does not fall within a specified range or set of values.

Is after

The property's value occurs after the specified date, time, or numerical value.

Is before

The property's value occurs before the specified date, time, or numerical value.

is greater than

The property's value is numerically greater than the specified value.

is less than

The property's value is numerically less than the specified value.

is greater or equal to

The property's value is numerically greater than or equal to the specified value.

is less or equal to

The property's value is numerically less than or equal to the specified value.