Major Gifts and Spike Up Gifts
Financial settings are available in Organization Settings that influence ActionBoard nudges and automatic gift tags in DonorDock.
Major Gifts are exactly what they sound like. By default, the Major Gift threshold is set to 1,000 and then may be customized on your organizations. When a gift is received that is over the set threshold for a Major Gift, the owner of the contact will receive a nudge suggesting interaction on their ActionBoard, and the gift record will be automatically tagged with the gift tag for Major Gift.
Spike Up Gifts occur when the gift amount is higher than the donor's average gift by $100 dollars or more. The Spike Up Gift amount is also customizable in your organization settings.
A Spike Up Gift can signal that a donor is becoming more engaged with your organization. Cultivating these relationships after a Spike Up Gift can help ensure these donors stay engaged at a higher level.