πŸŽ‰ Product Updates πŸŽ‰

New Features & Enhancements

⭐ Scheduled For Date Column added to Scheduled Email list view. Now when viewing your list of schedule emails, the created date and schedule date will appear for easy visibility.

⭐ Donor Address Block merge tag added for Microsoft Word Templates. When designing in and outputting to Word, the merge tag acts as a placeholder in the Word document. When the text gets replaced, the space is still taken up in the Word document even if the tag is empty. This is a merge tag specific to Word templates only: {{donor.address_block}}. This will generate the address block, and account for empty fields.

⭐ Gift Status Column and Pledge ID column added to Imports. To help assist in the importing of Gifts and Pledges, the column for Gift Status may now be mapped during import. Valid values are Pledged, Received, or Cancelled. The Pledge ID column may also be mapped if updating an existing Pledge.

⭐ Improvement to Validation Errors when creating or editing records. Previously, when an error existed in data when creating or editing a record (such as an invalid email address), the save button would be greyed out until the error corrected. Now, the save button will always be available to be selected, but if there is an invalid value on the record in question, the field will be highlighted red to assist with correction after a save is attempted.

Bug Fixes

🐞 Corrected issue with duplicated giving pages were also creating duplicate campaigns and appeals

🐜 Fixed bug where gift imports were setting gifts to be tribute gifts by default

πŸ› Corrected issue where the contact page count would show 0 out of 0 when flipped between contact views under Contacts

🐞 Updated wording on Word Template screen. Now only .docx file formats may be uploaded for template use. .doc file formats may no longer be accepted

🐜 Fixed bug in Email Scheduler that was adjusting the date when the scheduled email was edited