🎉 Product Updates 🎉
New Features & Enhancements
✨ Team Member ActionBoard visibility added for Administrators
Administrators can now see the ActionBoards of other team members. To access another user's ActionBoard, click on your name at the top of the page and select the desired team member's name from the dropdown.
✨ Customizable Report filters added to Free Online Giving subscription
When running reports in the Free subscription level of DonorDock, a blue main filters button is now available on reports. You can adjust the main filters on the report, such as a date range on a gift report, or donor status on a contact report.
✨ Enhanced composite matching added to Imports to help decrease potential duplicates being created
In Composite Matching, we confirm a match by checking multiple fields. We compare different data cells in the import row with your database. Each field has its own point value. If the total points from these fields add up to three or more in an import row, the contact/gift will be linked to an existing record instead of creating a new one. We'll use the contact with the highest score if there are multiple matches.
✨ Table of Pledges added to the summary pages for Campaigns, Appeals, and Funds
Now, when viewing the details page for any Campaign, Appeal, or Fund, you will see a separate table showing any pledges linked to the Campaign/Appeal/Fund.
✨ New Merge Tags added for Pledge, Soft Credit, and Last Membership information
Additional Merge Tags have been added for use in Templates.
New Donor Merge tags (accessible in both Marketing and Transactional Templates)
Main Phone | Populates the main phone number listed on the contact record |
Mobile Phone | Populates the mobile phone number listed on the contact record |
Lifetime Soft Credit Amount | Populates the total amount of soft credit gifts on a donor |
YTD Soft Credit Amount | Year to Date Soft Credit amount |
Last Year Soft Credit Amount | Last Year total of Soft Credit giving |
Last Membership Type | Generates the last membership type (gift) that the contact has on their record |
Last Membership Start | Generates the start of the last purchased membership gift on the contact record |
Last Membership End | Generates the end of the last purchased membership on the contact record |
New Gift Merge Tags (accessible only in Transactional Templates)
Pledge Total Amount | Total amount of a parent pledge |
Pledge Balance | The total amount of the remaining balance on a pledge |
Pledge Received Amount | Total amount received thus far on the pledge |
Pledge Gifts Received | Total number of gifts in received status attached to the pledge |
✨ 360 MatchPro/Double the Donation integration updated to allow customization of match box on the Giving Page
If you have the integration with 360 MatchPro/Double the Donation enabled on your organization, you may now select on the giving page level, if you would like the employer match box to appear or not. This setting is under the Collect Information section of the giving page setup.
Bug Fixes
🐛 Made update to the import table to still show the number of contacts who matched to existing contacts, even if the contact records were not actually updated but instead only matched
🐛 Fixed bug with the merge tags for Campaign, Appeal, and Fund not generating correctly when a receipt is printed in bulk from reports
🐛 Updated Contribution Statement message field to correctly use set alignment on the message (central, left, right, etc) when generating the statement
🐛 Fixed issue with template merge tags generating on individual sends where spaces were in the merge tag but failing to send on bulk emails
🐛 Corrected error on queuing larger batches of receipt emails from gift reports
🐛 Made update to Merge Tags in Word templates to still load if extra spaces were included within the braces
🐛 Fixed error with Classy syncing historical gifts into DonorDock
🐛 Updated PayPal connection so that if a match is found between email but the first and last name is blank on the pre-existing contact record, the first and last name information populates at the time of successful gift from PayPal
🐛 Updated activity import process so that if an activity is imported with a Completion date, it is automatically set to Complete status
🐛 Updated activity creation process so that if an activity is marked as complete, the completion date is automatically set