π Product Updates π
New Features & Enhancements
β¨ Administrator access granted to Notes in DonorDock
Administrators can now delete other users' notes within contact records. Previously, only the initial team member who created the note had permission to make changes. With this update, Administrators with appropriate roles can now delete notes across all contact records.
β¨ Tribute Checkbox on Online Giving pages renamed
For enhanced clarity, the checkbox for donors to select that they wish to dedicate their gift to someone has been updated to "Donate in honor or memory of someone" across all Giving Pages.
β¨ Birthday filter added to Contact reports
When setting the filters for Contact reports, a new filter has been added between the Owner and the First Gift Date for the Birthday. Available filter options are Last Month, This Month, or Next Month so that when creating contact reports, you can narrow your view down to those contacts who have a recent birthday. A custom report labeled "Birthdays This Month" has also been added to your organization's standard reports to quickly pull a report on available birthdays in the current month.
β¨ Merging Campaigns, Appeals, and Funds
At popular request, the option to merge Campaigns, Appeals, and Funds has been added. To merge, you may navigate to Transactions > Campaigns/Appeals/Funds, and from the table of active Campaigns/Appeals/Funds, select the checkbox next to two different names and then click the merge action in the top right. You will be prompted which Campaign/Appeal/Fund to keep, and all gifts, pledges, and activities will be moved to the kept Campaign/Appeal/Fund and the other will be archived.
Bug Fixes
π Fixed issue with ActionBoard items being dragged to the completed lane not correctly completing completion of the activity
π Made update to available columns in Gift Reports where if Online Giving pages are set to Donor-Funded Platform Fees, columns are available for addition to show the Donor-Funded Platform fee in addition to the full transaction, gift, and net amount columns
π Fixed bug with Contact search and search score not including secondary email and nickname in results
π Updated merge tags in Word templates to generate correct formatting
π Made an update to the OneCause integration to accommodate gifts from Company records vs. Individual records and to sync correctly to organization records in DonorDock