πŸŽ‰ Product Updates πŸŽ‰

New Features & Enhancements

✨ Pledge Import type added to Imports

We're pleased to announce a new type of import has been added to the import tool. You may now easily bulk-add Pledges and installments through the Pledge import. Columns available for a pledge import include Pledge Start Date, Pledge Status, Pledge Payment Interval, and Number of Installments.

✨ First and Last Name columns added as mappable fields on Activity and Note imports

When uploading Activities and Note files, columns may be mapped for First and Last Names to help match the activity or note with the correct contact records.

✨ Account Number added as an available Merge Tag

The merge tag for the Donor Account Number has been added when adding merge tags to email and print templates.

✨ Zapier Tile added to the Integrations page

To make it easier to generate an API for use with Zapier, a new tile specific to Zapier has been added to the integrations page. To create an API to connect with Zapier, you may now click on Zapier and turn on the toggle to generate a new API Zapier use.

Bug Fixes

πŸ› Fixed error with backup generation failing on organization settings when a previous backup file exists

πŸ› Corrected bug where emails being sent from the ActionBoard were not completing

πŸ› Updated Giving Page setup warning to alert if data is unsaved when attempting to direct to another page

πŸ› Updated activity timeline cards for emails that were showing incomplete when viewed in the activity/gift timeline but the email showed complete once viewing the activity details

πŸ› Fixed error that was not allowing a gift to be deleted if an activity was associated with the gift