
The Dashboard may be access by clicking the DonorDock Logo in the top left of DonorDock, or navigating to Reporting > Dashboard.

Metric Name


{YTD} TipBack™

The total amount accrued in TipBack™ reimbursement for your organization in the current year

New Donors This Month

The number of new donors you have added so far this month. 

New Donors YTD

This is your new donors so far this year

YTD Retention Rate

This is the percent of your donor base who gave int he past and have given again this year.

Last Year Retention Rate

This is your overall donor retention percentage for last year. 

This Month/Last Year Same Month

This shows your total amount of gifts this month to date compared to this month last year. 

This Year/Last Year

This is your overall giving so far this year compared to your total giving last year. 


These are the donors who gave Last Year But Not This Year. These are donors who have shown an interest in your cause and have a propensity to give, but have not given yet this year. These are prime candidates to reach out to as giving prospects. 


These are donors who gave Some Year But Not This Year. These are donors who have shown an interest in your cause and have a propensity to give, but have not given yet this year. These are prime candidates to reach out as giving prospects. 

Campaign Performance

Metrics to show performance data on current and past campaigns. 

Year Over Year Giving

Graph Metric to show performance data for giving by year. 

Top Five Campaigns

Bar Graph showing your top 5 campaigns.

Gifts by Type

Chart Metric showing breakdown of types of payment you have received. 

Top Donors

A list of your overall top donors. 

New Donors

A list of new donors for this month.