Tribute Gifts

A tribute gift is a donation that has been made in memory or honor of someone.

The following fields are available when creating a gift in DonorDock to record the Tribute information or available for selection when a Donor makes a gift through a DonorDock Online Giving page.

Field Name


Tribute Type

Honor: An honor gift is a gift that has been given to celebrate or recognize an event/someone.

Memorial: A memorial gift is a gift given in memory of one who has passed.

Tribute Description

Description of the Tribute gift given.

Honoree Name

The name of the person/s who the gift was given in honor or memory of

Dedication Contact Name

The name of the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.

Dedication Contact Email

The email of the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.

Dedication Address

The address of the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.

Dedication City

The city of the address for the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.

Dedication State/Province

The state or province of the address for the person who will be advised of the tribute gift

Dedication Postal Code

The postal code of the address for the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.

Dedication Country

The country of the address for the person who will be advised of the tribute gift.