Create a Volunteer Report

Volunteers are an important of any nonprofit and it's important to be able to track that donated time in DonorDock. 

The below steps show how you can run a report for Volunteer activities, including hours worked. 

  1. Navigate to Reporting

  2. Select Reports

  3. Click to Create a new Activity Report

  4. On the Blue Filters box pop up, set Date Range and remove all Activity Types except Volunteer

  5. Click Run Report

  6. Click the Columns icon in the top left of the report

    • Uncheck: Line 1, City, State, Zip, User, Priority, Likelihood, Planned Ask, Actual Ask, Delivered, Bounced, Times Clicked, Timed Opened

    • Check Volunteer Hours

    • Remove or add any other columns that fit your volunteer criteria

  7. Click Apply

  8. Click on Display Name column and drag to Grouping Column so contacts who volunteered more than once in the referenced date range will be grouped together